It finally snowed on Saturday.
True to the forecast, from 6pm-6am, London gradually got under the white shroud.
It was too romantic to just sit and watch from inside the glass window. We decided to go for a stroll at 8.30pm. The first snow-falling-on-the-head experience for both of us. 'We were excited' is an understatement. P has seen snow in Jammu; I have seen it in Mussoorie & Rohtang Pass. But to actually let the flakes fall on you, let it fall into your eyes, on the tongue, balance it on the eyelids! This was definitely a first.
We take a stroll towards the marketplace. Everything mundane has suddenly acquired an ethereal quality. A different personality. Something that we had never known earlier. The same gate, the same tree, the same rose plant, the same bin bags, everything wears a larger-than- life persona under the guise of snow. Everything has a halo tonight.
We take in the surreal feel, bask in it, internalize it. This is an experience that will freeze in time for us.
The yellow street lights add to the snowy glow. Everything is quiet. Most people are indoors. You cannot hear the TV blaring from any quarter or any car honking on the road.

Thank God for wonderful friends. We got a warm welcome at Richa & Vineet's. Along with adrak chai & biscuits. The next lap saw all four of us take to the snowy road. Advait, all of 16months, experienced his first snowfall sitting in his pushchair. All the while wondering what-is-it-with-these-adults! Throwing snowballs at each other. Making a snowman on the roadside & then everyone separately clicking pictures with it! And they call ME a bachcha?!
The snowflakes quietly keep falling. So that when God's children wake up in the morning, they see a new world. A clean,white world. A world without malice,without prejudice, without war. Snow white, peaceful, serene.
And that is exactly how it was! Not a tyre mark on the snow. Milk white. Uniformly white. Like showers of blessings. The same for all. No partiality. No differentiation. On any ground.
Saw an earthworm for the first time here.
Has it been rendered homeless today?
We walk towards the Children's Park across the road. Oh the sights! What Beauty! What Joy! What Bliss!
You walk on. No words needed. Just breathe in the sights & the sounds of Nature. It has stopped snowing. The white cover has thickened over the night. You can slip if your shoes do not have grip. You tread cautiously. Unlike last night when the snow was soft and walking was easier.When you are inexperienced and young, soft & malleable, it is easier for people to walk over you. With time, we mature & become capable of giving people the slip. We harden with time. We also melt with time...
The pub car park mocks all drivers today!
Who wouldn't like a meal deal like this? With the snow thrown in for free! Luxuries of life. Today is the day of Abundance! Of Rejoicing. It's a Sunday!
God couldn't be kinder. Grace, never so timely.
P is fascinated with the snowmen on the way. He has made one at night & one this morning. He wants a ratification that his is the best! It is, I tell him.
We walk along and see the uniqueness around us. A chair where snow sits, the snowy flowers & that curvaceous wall that is so pristine white with the ravishing red.
The walk takes us past the local school into Beaversfield Park. The vast expanse of white is blinding.
Most parks here have this pagoda look. Today it looks more spiritual than ever.
Over two hours in the park, swinging where children over 12 are not allowed, enough photos to last a lifetime, snowballs & rolling over the white carpet. And then the final trudge home.
And then this sight! The snow melting. A great Realization dawned.There is no coldness that enough warmth will not melt...
Mind blowing......the picture placements,the narration is really good.